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[灵性功能] 【转载】捷克陨石的十大真相

发表于 2012-7-16 22:32:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1) Moldavite is among the most powerful
stones for spiritual development and expansion of ones consciousness. Sometimes
a rapid transformation or spiritual healings of wondrous kinds happen after you
acquire Moldavite! 捷克陨石是让精神意识发展和扩张的能量石中最强大的。有时当你拿到捷克陨石后,很快各种精神上的病情被迅速医治。

2) Changes for the better in one's
profession, health, wealth, relationships and other areas of life usually start
to happen soon after you connect with the energy of
Moldavite. 当你与捷克陨石的能量连接以后,很快你的事业、健康、财富、人际关系和生活的各个方面会往好的方向改变。

3) Moldavite
possesses an extremely high vibration that is often felt as heat, and it can
open, activate, and clear blockages in any and all of the
chakras! 捷克陨石具有极高的频率,常常能感觉到热,它能打开、激活、清理所以伦脉上的阻塞。

4) Moldavite is one of
the Synergy Twelve stones! These are the 12 most powerful stones in the world
for positive transformation and upliftment! These stones speed up your evolution
and assist you in quickly finding your highest
destiny!! 捷克陨石是世界上最有能力帮人往好的方面改变的石头。

5) Moldavite is rarer than diamonds -
One of the rarest minerals on Earth. 捷克陨石是地球上最稀有的矿物之一,比钻石更稀有。

Moldavites are nearly extinct. The last commercial mine closed down in 2009!!!
The market value of this natural Moldavite can only increase over time! Natural
Moldavite has truly huge investment potential - with 300% value increase in the
past 24 months
alone! 捷克陨石近乎绝迹了。最后一个商业开采的矿点于2009年关闭了。捷克陨石的市场价值也一直在增长。天然捷克陨石具有巨大的投资价值,在过去的24个月里,增值了300%。

Throughout history Moldavite has been treasured as a spiritual talisman. The
Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore Moldavite at least 25,000 years ago, and
the famed Venus of Willendorf (the earliest known Goddess statue) was discovered
in a digging site which contained a number of Moldavite
amulets. 纵观历史,捷克陨石一直被当做精神护身符。在2500年前,东欧的新石器时代的人就开始穿戴它们。在已知的最早的女神雕像的挖掘现场也发现了很多捷克陨石的护身符。

Moldavite is the gem that fell to earth. These rare green stones, scientifically
classed as tektites, showered down on what is now Czechoslovakia some 14.8
million years ago. It's the only stone on the planet with such a stunning vivid
grass green color and wonderful transparency against the
light. 捷克陨石是掉落到地球上的宝石。这些绿色石头被归类为玻璃陨石。在1480万年前出现在了捷克斯洛伐克。它们具有非常生动的绿色以及透光后奇妙的画面。

Perhaps Moldavite's greatest role in crystal healing history takes place as the
substance purportedly used to create the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend. In some
recountings, the Grail was said to be not a cup, but a stone; a crystal Emerald
that fell from the sky. In other stories, Moldavite is said to be the green
stone crafted into the Grail
cup. 捷克陨石在水晶治疗历史中扮演最重要的角色也许是因为亚瑟王制作圣杯的传奇故事。有些资料表示圣杯是石头,是天上掉下来的翡翠。在其它故事中,表示圣杯是捷克陨石做成的。

The Moldavite flush is a huge wave of powerful energy which actually flushes
through the body. This can cause sweating or a bright 'red' face. Others often
experience the flush as heat surging up their spine. Still others experience the
emotional release of tears or laughter. The Moldavite does cause massive
spiritual growth. It can take years to fully integrate the mass of
information. 捷克陨石拥有巨大的能量,能量像海浪一样冲洗身体。捷克陨石的能量会让人出汗、脸红。有些人的经历是热量冲击脊骨,有些人的经历是大笑或者大哭。捷克陨石可以帮助心灵巨大的成长。当然,一块捷克陨石的沟通交流,彼此默契,可能需要好多年。

ane more bonus fact!

11) Moldavite, when bought directly from the
miners, may not be as expensive as you think. To them it's just a beautiful
green gemstone, but to someone interested in crystal energies it may be the
gateway to highest levels of spiritual development.
Priceless! 当你从矿工那里买捷克陨石的时候,很便宜,没有你想象的那么贵,对他们来说只是一件漂亮的绿色宝石,但对水晶能量感兴趣的人来说,好的捷克陨石是无价的。根据我们的经验,捷克陨石的能量是和其品相是相对应的,没有理由品相差,却能量很好的。
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-7-16 22:37:31 | 显示全部楼层

他们有一个13人矿主私人联盟,自己挖石头自己出售 {:soso_e127:}
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-16 23:09:51 | 显示全部楼层
哇哦!!! 不过我是豆瓣看到的················原址不知道哦~~~~~
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-7-17 19:02:41 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-7-18 18:43:02 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-7-18 20:18:04 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-7-19 17:59:19 | 显示全部楼层
能量与品相相关 哈哈 那我的就漂漂啦
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-8-11 05:25:41 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-8-18 20:04:22 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
发表于 2012-9-16 12:57:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
陨石部落论坛:https://yunshibuluo.com 专注探索陨石能量与灵性的陨石论坛
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